How to Choose a Roofing System
How To Choose The Right Roofing System For Your Home
So its time to replace your old existing roof.
Choosing the right roofing material is an important step in the decision making process. For most of us, our roof is an afterthought and we only begin to realize just how important it is once it nears the end of its life expectancy and needs to be replaced or repaired. Choosing the best type of roofing materials is not as simple as going to the hardware store, picking a color and pushing the go button. It’s also one of the biggest investments a homeowner can make.
There are a large variety of things to take into account when choosing the right roofing material,
Is that wood shake roof you have your eye on the right choice for your neighborhood? What about a metal roof? Will noise or insulation be an issue? What type of roof can withstand a hurricane or protect from fire? Which roofing material is the best return on investment? Read on to learn a little about the factors you should study and the options available to you.
Set a budget!
Know your roof…
Know the climate:
Your roof takes a beating and the material that you choose should stand up for years to the worst that Mother Nature dishes out. Homes in hot climates fair best with concrete tile roofs or metal. Both of these materials are durable and architecturally attractive. A metal roof can be coated with materials that reflect the heat from the sun, keeping your attic cooler, which saves air conditioning costs. Metal roofs are wind-resistant and can withstand thunderstorms, heavy rain and even hailstorms. The color selection is broad and the finishes aren’t prone to fading in strong sunlight. Tile roofs are a classic in some parts of the Southeast, Southwest and Western states. If you don’t have any need to climb on your roof to service heating and cooling equipment, tile is a very good solution as it can last as many as 50 years and seldom needs any maintenance. Tile roofs can break or crack, however, if you need roof access for anything, it’s best to install a tile that lays flat on the roof rather than using the barrel shaped products. Tile comes in neutral colors, both solid and variegated.
In climates where snow loads can be high, choosing roofing products that have higher water resistance lowers the problems associated with moisture accumulation. Metal roofs in mountainous regions are a good choice because the snow can simply slide off the roof when snow builds. Wooden shake roofs are a poor choice in wet climates because the wood can rot unless it’s continually treated with waterproofing materials. Shake roofs are also not a good choice for mountainous regions where the risk of forest fires can be high. Concrete tiles are available that closely resemble shake shingles and may be the solution if that style would complement your home. Unless wind is a major factor, composition or architectural shingles are a durable choice for almost any climate. Warranties run from 15 to 20 years, on average, although higher quality architectural shingles last far longer. Walking on the roof won’t damage these kinds of roofing materials and should wind tear away any shingles, they can be matched and replaced without incurring a huge expense.
Saving Energy
As the sun heats your roof during the day the air in your attic is heated it rises and escapes through vents at the top of your roof while fresh air is drawn in through vents in the eaves
- Properly ventilated roofs allow the roof to dry out faster
- dry components last longer
- entire roof lasts longer
- reduces energy consumption by as much as 22%
Properly installed eave and ridge vents create a continuous pathway for heated air to exhaust through vents at the top of your roof while cool air is drawn in through the eave vents
With the cost of oil and natural gas and that big dollar amount on your electric bill every month, energy-efficient (or cool) roofing materials can help you cut costs for your pocketbook and do something beneficial for the environment. If energy efficiency is something you’re serious about, look for materials with the Energy Star logo or talk to your contractor about the newest products on the market. Depending on where you live and the style of your home, there are a variety of different eco friendly options to choose from including metal, recycled shingles, slate and foam sprayed roofs just to name a few. Green remodeling is known for high standards and quality craftsmanship and a green, energy-efficient roof is a great investment for many homeowners across the country.
Roofing Materials:
Asphalt Composition Shingles:
Asphalt architectural shingle:
Clay tile roofing:
Clay tile is considered a lifetime roof; in fact, it will often outlive the decking it’s built on (100 yrs. or more). Clay tile is more expensive than some of the other roofing materials available but its beauty and natural appearance often outweigh the cost for homeowners looking for an attractive roofing material to enhance their property.
Concrete Tile:
Metal roofs:
Slate Roofs:
Synthetic Slate:
(Rubber Composite) Lighter and less expensive than natural stone, synthetic slate is an option for consumers who love and covet the look of slate but for one reason or another cannot use the real thing. It’s also a look you can feel good about as composition (synthetic) slate is recycled and made from post-industrial synthetics.